Thursday, 30 October 2014

After the Launch

After the launch, we hope to air the PSA series throughout the year, greatly increasing public awareness of the voices and benefits of multiculturalism. They will also help to increase public understanding of the significant contributions made by immigrant newcomers and indigenous people to the province. 

Share Your Stories of Integration  

We encourage you to share your stories of integration on social media and on this website. Join the conversation using hashtag #WeAreSk and share your stories, photos and videos!

Launch of Public Service Announcements

Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, cultural diversity, intercultural, education, anti-racism, racism, multiculturalism, ethnic diversity, culture, ethnicity, awareness, acceptanceWe are preparing to launch the PSAs at a Multicultural Forum hosted by MCoS and the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport on November 15, 2014. This will be part of the kick-off to Saskatchewan Multicultural Week and a celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the original Saskatchewan Multiculturalism Act.
The launch and broadcast of the PSA series is a great way to attract media and public attention to the positive impact that the Ministry, the Lottery system, Culture Days funding and cultural diversity make in our communities. With the Ministry’s ongoing involvement, the PSA series will be a demonstration of not only how multiculturalism adds to quality of life, but also how we all can make Saskatchewan a welcoming place of belonging and shared prosperity for everyone and demonstrate Saskatchewan’s motto: From Many Peoples Strength.
This web site was set up to house the PSAs and additional content as it is produced. We encourage everyone to provide feedback on the PSAs and also share your stories of integration.

Method and End Product

Here are the different phases that the project underwent:

Phase 1 was associated with collecting of stories during Culture Days 2013 (supported with funding from SaskCulture).
Phase 2 was turning stories into Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and editing the PSAs into final products (supported with funding from the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport).
Phase 3 involved reserving broadcasting time with media outlets throughout Saskatchewan (CBC/Radio Canada, CTV, Global, SaskTel Max, Access Communications, Shaw Cable, etc.).
During the 2013 Culture Days (a pan-Canadian event that took place September 27-29, 2013 and celebrates all cultures and all aspects of culture) we hired a freelance journalist, Evie Ruddy, and a videographer, Jason Rister, to travel around the province. They interviewed 23 members of the multicultural community at eight events in seven communities.
The interview clips have been assembled into a series of six 30 second Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for broadcast with the following themes: Culture is a Two-Way Street; From Many Peoples Strength; Cold Land, Warm Hearts; Look Beyond the Surface; Home and Overcoming Discrimination.

Project Rationale

Our rationale was to highlight the contributions of the multicultural community to Saskatchewan culture. There is a shared desire to highlight the process newcomers have undergone in several generations to settle in Saskatchewan and integrate into their communities. It is important to demonstrate that people of many cultures contribute to the vibrancy of the cultural life in the province.
Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, cultural diversity, intercultural, education, anti-racism, racism, multiculturalism, ethnic diversity, culture, ethnicity, awareness, acceptanceStorytelling is an easily accessible medium for those speaking and listening. It also fosters an intercultural understanding and connections. For those of you who have crossed cultures, continents and/or oceans to make a home in a Saskatchewan community, this was an opportunity to share that experience with the public. As we share stories, we connect with elements of experiences and build empathy. This was a chance for newcomers to feel that they are contributing to broad and rich Saskatchewan culture.
The project does not, however, exclusively focus on new arrivals; it includes stories of immigrants from 50 years ago, recollections shared by grandparents, experiences of immigrants or their descendants in First Nations communities, or stories of First Nations or Métis people making connections beyond their own cultural communities.